Mortal Kombat II
Mortal Kombat II was produced by Midway Games in 1993. Midway Games released 53 different machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1972. Other machines made by Midway Games during the time period Mortal Kombat II was produced include NBA Jam Tournament Edition, NBA Jam, Revolution X - Aerosmith, Cruis'n USA, Killer Instinct, Judge Dredd, Mortal Kombat, Super High Impact, Total Carnage, and Double Cheese. A fast-paced, head-to-head fighting game with twelve characters to choose from -- each one with his or her own special moves. Lots of blood and gore with special endings e.g. Fatality, Friendship, and Babality that depend upon the combination of moves performed by the winner at the end of the match.