Dr. Mario
Vs. Dr. Mario was produced by Nintendo in 1990.
Nintendo released 114 different machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1970.
Other machines made by Nintendo during the time period Vs. Dr. Mario was produced include Dr. Mario, PlayChoice-10: Catch a Shooting Star, F-Zero, PlayChoice-10: Latest In Counter Intelligence, Super Nintendo System: The Super System. 1992., Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PlayChoice), Baseball Stars, PlayChoice-10: Catch the Title Wave, Ninja Gaiden PlayChoice, and Vs. Platoon.
Starting with a few colored germs in their pill bottle, players must rotate and stack two-colored pills as Mario throws them into the bottle. Four like-colored pill sections stacked on the same color germ will rid your bottle of that germ. The number of germs and speed of Mario increases with each level.